Tuesday, February 4, 2020

The end

      Studying is helpful to us. When we study, more knowledge will be added to our daily lives. With the help of blogging, my skills in writing helps me to improve more.

      Studying is something we need to enhance, to practice, and we need to study hard because in the end, we are being benefited. One of the barriers to my study is laziness. It kills my time to exert and to manage my time. In the future, I will try to exert more time in my studies because I want to help my family and to my future family.

      "No matter how busy you may think you are, you must find time for reading, or surrender yourself to self-chisen ignorance"
-Atwood H. Townsend

Image result for moving up quotation

Another path of life

      Each of us have unique ambition in life. In the first place, I want to become a successful chef someday because my mother wants me to become a chef. But since my mother wants me to become an Architect, my ambition in life is to become like that.

      Picking a course is hard but if we have inspiration, we want to be a successful someday. Picking a course of architecture for me is also the things I want to become. I picked a course of architecture not because wants to but it is my own decision. In life, we have a lots of decision in life, we must to think what is best for us. Since I am only a grade 10 students and becoming an adult, I want to finish first my studies in order to achieve my goals in life. If I am going to be a successful someday, I will not forget the people who helped me and encourage me.

      For the future, I will study hard for my family and for my future family.

Image result for architecture simple house sketch

Foundation day

       Anually, we celebrate ISNHS foundation day to commemorate the foundings of this beloved school I am studying. ISNHS'ians are celebrating ISNHS foundation day. The day where the students are always waiting for. Sometimes, we practice in the middle of the day but the sacrifices is worth it. Field demo is one of the activities of the high school day.

          Through the sacrifices we are doing, it was worth it. In the end we laugh, we smile, and to show the smiles of the audience who watch to our performances. Through the performances we are exerting, smile is one of the chAnge in our sacrifices. Feild demo is a con5est where the contestants are from Grades 7 to 12. The performances of the grade levels are ceparate from girls to boys. 1 winner willbe for the boys and 1 winner for the girls.

       Not all schools teaches us to study but also to socialize to each other.


Bully is B.A.D.

Bullying is popular among kids specially to the people who doesn't have power to defend themselves. Specially, this bully ...